Under the Local Government Act 1993 (The Act), Council is charged with the administration of our Local Government Area (LGA). Accordingly, Council must conduct its business and decision-making in formal Council and committee meetings.
As a general legislative requirement, all Council meetings must be open to the public. However, recognising the need for confidentiality in specified circumstances, Council can exclude the public and the press, provided the legislative requirements are met.
The Act determines issues such as the minimum number of Council meetings that must be held during the year, what constitutes a quorum, when notices of meetings must be given, the roles of various participants, that is, the Mayor, Councillors and the General Manager, along with restrictions and requirements that might impact on each of the roles.
Council has adopted a Code of Meeting Practice that complies with the Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government (Meetings) Regulations 2021. This code contains the rules and regulations on how Council meetings should be conducted and details issues and procedures for matters such as motions, amendments and the general conduct of debate.
Prior to each Council Meeting, a Public Forum will be held at 6pm sharp. The Council Meeting will commence at the conclusion of the forum and no earlier than 6.30pm and close by 10.30pm, with only one extension to 11pm permitted, if so resolved by Council. Any unfinished business will be referred to the next available Ordinary Meeting. The minutes of any Council meeting are considered to be draft until they are confirmed at a subsequent meeting.