Your rates contribute to the provision of day-to-day services, maintaining and building new facilities for the community, improving infrastructure in the City.
Did you receive a text message from us about your Council rates due date? We can help you with making a payment arrangement.
If you are a ratepayer and have moved, please update your address
Your rates contribute to the provision of day-to-day services, maintaining and building new facilities for the community, improving infrastructure and protecting the environment in the City.
Examples include:
- Waste collection, recycling and street cleaning;
- Local road upgrades;
- Improvements to leisure and recreational facilities;
- Improvements to library services; and
- Town centre improvements.
Rates are calculated based on the land value of your property, and not the value of your premises. This value is determined by the NSW Valuer General (see NSW Valuer General Fact Sheets), and is usually reviewed every three years. If you own a strata title property, the land value of the entire site is divided by the unit entitlement (listed on your strata plan) to ascertain the land value for each unit.
Rates are calculated using an Ad Valorem Rate determined and reviewed by Council each year. It is a formula based on land value and category – Business or Residential. All land valuations and rates calculations are subject to a minimum amount.
- receive an email when a new notice has been issued
- be able to update your profile, add an extra email address and more properties
This account is designed for agents managing multiple properties on behalf of owners. With this option, you will receive a consolidated email when notices are issued. The email will prompt you to log in, where you can view or download notices in PDF format and/or extract a CSV file containing property details and amounts due.
To register click on the Managing Agent Account button and follow the prompts to set up your account.
Your notices will be sent by Council via Australia Post to your nominated mailing address. Please ensure that Council has your correct mailing address.
If you need to change your mailing address:
*A service fee applies for payments made using credit card.
You can pay your rates online through BPoint.
Biller Code: 34280
*A service fee of 0.62% applies for payments made using credit card.
Call 1300 133 791. Payments can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Biller Code: 34280
Pay using your internet or phone banking.
Biller Code: 34280
To set up an annual payment in full or instalment payment by direct debit, complete a Direct Debit Request Form.
Pay in person at any Post Office (credit card not accepted), by calling 13 18 16 or at
Billpay code: 2111
Payment can be made by credit card (Mastercard or Visa*), debit card (EFTPOS), cheque or cash.
Visit our Bankstown or Campsie Customer Service Centres:
- Bankstown, 66-72 Rickard Road, Bankstown between 10am-3pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
- Campsie, 137 Beamish St, Campsie between 10am-3pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
Cheques must be made out for the correct amount, change will not be given.
Detach the payment options slip from your rates/instalment notice and send your cheque made payable to "Canterbury-Bankstown Council" to PO Box 8, Bankstown, NSW 1885. Please note that a receipt will not be issued for mail payments.
Rates are levied each year for the period of 1 July to 30 June. You will receive a Rates/Instalment Notice four times a year, unless you pay the whole Rates for the year by the first due date – 31 August.
Rates payments are due on 31 August, 30 November, 28 February and 31 May.
Rates are calculated according to the value of land in the area. The value of land in Canterbury-Bankstown is determined every three years by the Valuer General. There are many factors that are taken into consideration when deciding on land value including recent sale prices, zoning and access to public facilities. This means that rates charged in Canterbury-Bankstown will be different to rates charged in other Council areas.
The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for residential is 0.00135361
The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $749,665, is $1,014.75
The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for residential is 0.00138288
The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $733,798, is $1,014.75
The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for business is 0.00294410
The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $344,674, is $1,014.75
The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for residential is 0.00300776
The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $337,378, is $1,014.75
- The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for Industrial and Commercial General is 0.00395931
- The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $256,296, is $1,014.75
- The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for Industrial and Commercial Large is 0.00497452
- The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $203,990, is $1,014.75
- The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for Industrial and Commercial General is 0.00404492
- The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $250,871, is $1,014.75
- The 2024/25 ad-valorem rate for Industrial and Commercial Large is 0.00508208
- The minimum for 2024/25, when land value is less than $199,673, is $1,014.75
Council provides a domestic waste collection service, of which a charge for this service (Domestic Waste Management) is shown on your notice.
The annual Domestic Waste Service Charge for 2024/25 is $620.00.
Annual Waste Service Charge for Canterbury businesses is $620.00 for 2024/25.
Council may also levy an annual charge for any service prescribed by State Government Regulations, for example Stormwater Management. Interest on overdue rates is a statutory charge and will appear on your notice if applicable. The interest rate for 2024/25 is 10.5% per annum calculated on a daily basis.
All residents who have their garbage and recycling collected pay a domestic waste charge. The fee is determined by the total income needed to operate this service. Council sets the fee at a fixed rate each year and the income generated by this charge is put back into the garbage collection service to keep it operating successfully.
Council does not charge GST on rates or garbage collection charges.
Rates are levied each year for the period of 1 July to 30 June. You will receive a Rates/Instalment Notice four times a year, unless you pay the whole Rates for the year by the first due date – 31 August.
Rates payments are due on 31 August, 30 November, 28 February and 31 May.
Interest will be charged when you fail to pay your rate notice or rate instalment by the due date. Interest accrues daily, starting from the first day after the due date. The rate of interest is set by Council but does not exceed State Government regulation percentages. Council can write off interest in special circumstances but the best way to avoid being charged interest on your rates is to make sure payment is made before the due date.
If you fail to pay your rates by the due date, interest will start accruing each day on the outstanding amount. Council will send at least three advices before taking recovery action. If you still have not paid your rates after being sent these advices, Council policy is to commence legal action. This situation can occur because Council may not have your current address. It is your responsibility to inform Council when your details change.
If you are having difficulty in paying your rates, please complete and submit a Payment Arrangement Application, preferably before the account becomes overdue.
Yes, it is your responsibility to advise Council of your new address and contact details. To update your details complete the Change of Address form and submit to Council to action.
Sometimes two different addresses will appear on your rate notice - the postal address and the property address. Council sends your rate notices to your postal address and the property address is what you are paying your rates on. In some cases the suburbs listed on your notice may be different. This is nothing to be concerned about as sometimes postal boundaries are different to the specified geographical boundaries.
A pension rebate is available to eligible pensioners upon application. The total concession available is set by legislation.
The amount or percentage of concession will be determined on the basis that:
- You own the property on your own; or
- You own the property with one or more eligible occupiers (an eligible occupier can be your spouse, another eligible pensioner and his or her spouse if they use the property as their sole principal home); or
- You own the property with someone who is not an eligible occupier.
Eligibility Criteria
- You must be an eligible pensioner and hold a Pension Concession Card.
- You must own and occupy the dwelling, as your sole or principal place of living, for which a concession is being sought.
- Evidence of eligibility is required i.e. pension concession card.
- You must complete and submit to Council the Pensioner Concession Application.
Please note:
- Persons who become eligible pensioners during the rating year, upon application, will receive a concession proportionate to the number of full quarters remaining after the day on which the person becomes an eligible pensioner.
- If eligibility ceases during the year, the entitlement will cease on the last day of the quarterly instalment.
How to apply
Download the Pensioner Concession application form, complete it and return, with a copy of your Pension Concession Card, to the Canterbury-Bankstown Council, PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885.
Or visit one of our Customer Service Centres during office hours.
- Bankstown – Upper Ground Floor, 66-72 Rickard Rd, Bankstown
- Campsie - 137 Beamish St Campsie
You will need to bring your current Pensioner Concession Card, and our staff will be able to assist you in completing the application.
You may no longer be eligible for a pensioner rebate due to a change in circumstance or personal details within the last 12 months. For example, you may not have received the pensioner rebate because:
- You may not be a pensioner anymore;
- The owners' name on your property may have changed;
- You may have gone overseas for an extended period of time;
- You may have changed FROM Centrelink TO Veteran Affairs or vice–versa; or
- You may have changed your details with Centrelink or Veteran Affairs.
Please speak to the staff at Centrelink or Veteran Affairs to update your details or to enquire about your current status in relation to receiving a pensioner rebate.
Visit the Rates page for details on ways to receive your rate and instalment notices.
Visit the Pay my rates page for details on ways to pay your rates.
Rate pegging is the limit set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) by which a Council may increase the total income it will receive from rates. IPART specifies a percentage each year.
For example, if the rate pegging limit is 2.7 percent for any given year, Council could only gain 2.7 percent more in TOTAL income from rates in that given year compared to last year. This does not mean that each individual rates account could increase by 2.7 percent.
IPART may approve applications from individual councils to exceed this percentage. They may also specify the amount by which councils may vary domestic waste management charges.
Call us to discuss your needs