Policies provide Council with guidance on key issues affecting the Canterbury-Bankstown Local Government Area and contain important principles that are considered during the decision making process.
Canterbury-Bankstown policies have been developed to align with Council’s Strategic Planning Framework and the seven destinations which reflect the vision for CBCity 2036.
Access Council's wide-range of policies, codes and guidelines below to find out how we’re working to improve the lives of our residents.
The Access to Information Policy highlights Council’s approach to public access to information in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
The Alcohol-Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas Policy outlines Council's approach to the inception and review of such zones and areas across the LGA.
The Asbestos Policy outlines Council's role in minimising exposure to asbestos by providing general advice for residents on renovating homes and developing an approval process for developments involving asbestos.
The Asset Management Policy outlines Council's approach to managing all assets proposed, owned and administered by Council.
The Car Share Policy (Policy) outlines Canterbury-Bankstown Council’s (Council) approach to the allocation, installation and management of dedicated parking spaces for car share operators, on land under the care and control of Council, including on-street and off-street parking.
The Child Safe Code of Conduct establishes Council's expectations for appropriate behaviour in promoting child safety within the community.
The Child Safe Complaints Handling Policy demonstrates Council's commitment to uphold the NSW Principles for Child Safe Organisations and the NSW Child Safe Standards and maintain a child-safe environment across the LGA where children are regarded as a priority.
The Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy outlines Council's expectations of its staff when engaging with children.
The City Relationships Policy provides Council with a criterion on creating relationships and interactions with domestic and international Cities.
The Code of Conduct constitutes the central component of Council's Governance Framework and provides the minimum requirements of conduct for Council officials.
The Code of Meeting Practice sets out Council's approach to all meetings and committees of Councils.
The Commercial Use of Footways Policy sets out Council's principles in managing the commercial use of footways across the LGA.
The Community Advisory Committee and Working Group Guidelines provide a generally consistent framework for the constitution and operation of Community Advisory Committees and Working Groups.
The Community Advisory Committee Charters outline a mandate for and membership of each committee provided by Council.
The Community Directional Signal Policy sets out a framework for the provision and installation of community directional signage across the LGA.
The Community and Engagement Policy outlines Council's approach to effective engagement with the community within Council activities.
The Community Gardens Policy outlines Council's requirements for establishing a community garden by residents across the LGA.
The Community Grants and Event Sponsorship Policy outlines Council's approach to financial assistance to eligible applicants.
The Complaints Management Policy outlines Council's approach to managing complaints from the public.
The Contaminated Land Policy provides Council with a framework to managing contaminated land across the LGA. It sets out Council's approach to contamination issues covered by planning and environmental decision-making processes.
The Council-related Development Application Policy aims to manage potential conflicts of interest at all stages of the development process for council-related development by Canterbury-Bankstown Council.
The Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy provides Council with a framework for Councillors when interacting with authorised staff.
The Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy offers Councillors guidance on reasonable and appropriate reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to undertake civic duties.
The Councillor Induction and Professional Development Policy outlines Council's role in providing the Mayor and Councillors with induction and ongoing professional development.
The Customer Service Charter outlines Council's commitment to its community, its service standards and the feedback process.
The Drainage Reserves Administration Policy outlines Council's framework in assessing and processing requests for acquisition and/or disposal of drainage reserve across the Local Government Area.
The Environmental Sustainability Policy outlines Canterbury-Bankstown Council's commitment to integrating sustainable practices into all local government functions and services.
This Policy outlines Council’s management principles for the licensing of defined areas outside of existing approved food preparation and sale premises allowing the commercial use of footways for the purposes of preparation of barbecued food under the care and control of Council
The Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy ensures the appropriate mechanisms are in place to protect the integrity, security and reputation of Council.
The Gifts and Benefits Policy provides guidance on how to respond to offer of gifts, hospitality, or benefits in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
The Helicopters on Council Land Policy sets out the criteria of permissions given for helicopters to land on property under the care of Council.
The Heritage Incentives Policy outlines the framework for how Council will provide financial assistance to conserve listed heritage items.
The Hoardings and Scaffolding Policy and Guidelines sets out requirements for when development and building work approach is sought from Canterbury-Bankstown Council for the construction of a temporary structure erected on, adjacent to, or above a public place with the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA.
The Instrument of Delegations outlines the authorities, duties and functions of the Mayor and the CEO.
The Investment Policy outlines the framework within which investment principles are to apply to optimise investment returns of Council funds.
The Library Services Policy sets out the framework for the provision of library services to residents, community and partners cities across the LGA.
The Local Orders Policy outlines Council's criteria on animal management, public health and environmental protection.
The Markets Policy sets out the principles of approval and operation of markets on land under the care and control of Council.
The Media Policy provides a framework to assist Council when dealing with the media, and to ensure that media engagement by Council Officials is consistent, accurate and professional, and enhances the Council’s reputation
The Memorials Policy provides guidance for the establishment, maintenance, removal and relocation of memorial objects such as monuments and plaques, and the scattering of ashes on land under the care and control of Council.
The Mobile Food Vending Vehicles Policy provides the framework for the operation of mobile food vending vehicles on Council-owned roads within the Canterbury-Bankstown.
The Naming Policy outlines the principles and requirements for naming parks, roads and public spaces under the care and control of Council.
The Nature Strip Gardens Policy outlines the requirements and expectations for residents to manage a nature strip garden adjacent to their property.
The Nature Strip Mowing Policy outlines residents' responsibilities to the mowing of nature strips and how Council will manage nature strips across the LGA.
The Planning Agreements Policy establishes a fair and transparent framework relating to Council's use of planning agreements.
The Privacy Management Plan outlines the requirements of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 to provide protection for personal information and the privacy of residents.
The Model Code Procedures (NSW) supports Council's Code of Conduct with the requirements to adopt procedures for the administration that incorporates the provisions of the Model Code Procedures.
This Policy sets out the principles for consistent and best practice procurement of goods and services at Council.
The Public Interaction and Meeting Disclosure Policy offers guidance for Council officials when interacting with stakeholders.
The Public Interest Disclosures Policy provides guidance on public interest disclosures.
The Rates and Charges, Debt Recovery and Hardship Assistance Policy outlines Council's standards in setting sustainable rates and charges to property owners.
The Related Party Disclosures Policy sets out a framework to assist Council with specific disclosure requirements.
The Seasonal Allocations of Sporting Grounds Policy outlines Council's framework in guiding seasonal allocations of sporting grounds across the LGA.
This policy was adopted by the former Canterbury Council and is still applicable to properties within the former LGA boundary.
The Social Media Policy sets out Council's position on the appropriate use of social media by staff and councillors.
The Statement of Business Ethics provides guidance for the requirements when conducting business with Council.
The Temporary Access Over Council Land to Private Land Policy outlines Council's approach to managing temporary access to Council Land for private purposes.
Council is responsible for protecting trees with a Tree Management Order (TMO)
The Unsolicited Proposals Policy outlines Council's approach to assessing unsolicited proposals.
The Use of Exotic Animals in Circuses Policy outlines Council's approach to the welfare of exotic animals in circuses and carnivals operating across the LGA.
The Vehicular Footway Crossings Policy provides Council's requirements for the construction and maintenance of vehicular crossings over public footways across the LGA.
The Waste in Public Places Policy outlines the framework for the use and placement of Commercial and Residential Waste and Bins, Skip Bins, Clothing Recycling bins and Container Recycling Equipment for the container deposit scheme, on land under the care and control of Council