Our Clean-Up service helps you to dispose of bulky items that do not fit in your red or green bins. You can arrange a Clean-Up twice a year.
- Electronics: televisions, computers, heaters, lamps, fans, etc
- Furniture: lounges, chairs, tables, beds, cabinets, etc
- White goods and appliances: fridges, washers, dryers, microwaves, etc
- Household items: pots, pans, toys, ornaments, etc
- Flooring material: rugs, carpets, etc. Small quantities fromĀ a single room only. Must be cut to 1m length and tied
- Garden cuttings: branches, plants, clippings, twigs etc. Must be less than 15 cm in diameter. Must be cut to 1m length and tied into bundles
Please note that this is not a complete list and similar items may be rejected by the collection crews.
Toxic poisonous, or flammable items
- Asbestos
- Batteries - all sizes
- Paint (including empty cans)
- Garden, pool and cleaning chemicals
- Medical waste, sanitary products and nappies
- Cooking and motor oils
- Gas tanks and pressurised cans
- Fire extinguishers
Large or heavy items
- Large hot water heaters
- Garage roller doors
- Building refuse (bricks, tiles, concrete and cement, bathtubs, etc)
- Large amounts of cabinetry - a kitchen renovation
- Rocks, soil, tree stumps, roots and branches over 15cm in diameter
- Any car parts and tyres
Sharp and spiky items
- Spiky cuttings (palm fonds, cacti)
- Fence or wood panels with exposed nails
- Any glass or mirror (intact or broken) including windows, doors, pool fencing or part of furniture (tabletop, dressing table mirror, cabinet doors)
Business, commercial and renovation waste
- Any construction, demolition or renovation waste created through a commercial arrangement (contracted builder)
- Any material generated by a business (shop fittings, garden cuttings, paper/cardboard, food, etc)
Small, loose and spillable items
- Bean bags
- Foam/styrofoam (white packing blocks/beads)
- Loose or poorly bagged/boxed items
- General household garbage
If you have unwanted bulky household items that aren't accepted in your household bin service, you have the opportunity to book a Clean-Up for this bulky waste.
Items such as bundled and tied garden cuttings, furniture, whitegoods and other household items that are boxed or bagged are acceptable for collection.
Unacceptable materials include spiky or sharp vegetation, mirrors or glass panes, chemicals or hazardous waste. These items will not be collected and could lead to further dumped rubbish that you will be required to remove.
Each household can put out three cubic metres of waste per collection. That's a pile three metres wide by one metre high and one metre deep.
Bookings from apartment blocks with six or more units must be made by a caretaker, building manager or strata on behalf of the whole building. Individual residents will need to contact their building manager to request a booking. The building manager will coordinate the collection date and let you know where to put your items.
Some periods are busier than others, particularly around summer so wait times may be longer. Please allow up to three weeks.
- You get two free Clean-Ups per calendar year.
- Each Clean-Up can be up to three cubic metres in volume.
- You can use both Clean-Ups for one double booking of six cubic metres.
- Buildings with six-49 units get four free Clean-Ups per year.
- Buildings with 50+ units get six free Clean-Ups per year.
- Each unit can place out up to three cubic metres for each Clean-Up.
- Talk to your strata rep or residents committee about your next Clean-Up.
All households will be able to put out three cubic metres of bulky waste for each collection. That is a pile one metre high and three metres wide and one metre deep.
Before putting items out for collection think about whether you can donate or recycle them.
You can also re-home good quality unwanted items through our partnership with The Bower.