Setting up your own business is exciting however it can also be challenging if you are not prepared. will take you through each step of starting a business and help you understand what's ahead. The guide includes:
Making sure you're prepared can save you precious time and money
The decisions you make early on can affect your business in the long term, including required licences and tax levels
Analyse your idea and yourself. Plan for your future and see how it all comes together
Ensure your business gets taxed at the right rate, avoids penalties, and protects your brand and ideas.
All of the following businesses operating within the City of Canterbury Bankstown must register their details with Council. Register a new business or use the following forms to notify Council of any changes:
Getting on top of your taxes now can make things easier in the long run. Avoid penalties and make sure your business is taxed at the correct rate
Finding out your business isn't entirely above board can cost you time and money. Start off strong and protect your business legally
It is essential to take charge of your business finances and know how to manage your cash flow
You invest too much time and money in your business to lose it. Protect your investment by planning ahead
Give yourself a head start by setting up your business operations
Starting, running and growing a business is challenging enough without the added complications of red tape. Service NSW provide a range of support services to help you navigate regulatory requirements, freeing you up to focus on the more important things.
For more information please visit Service NSW or call 13 77 88 to access Business Concierge.
A Development Application, commonly known as a DA, is a process of seeking approval from Council to carry out development such as building work. Visit Service NSW to source further information.
DAs are now lodged online through the NSW Planning Portal. Manage your development application in your own time, in your own home. Visit Councils Development portal for further information.
Provides services to small businesses in Western Sydney including business advice, workshops, training and networking opportunities.
For more information visit, Western Sydney Business Centre.
WSBC is a not-for-profit member-based organisation that exists to strategically connect the businesses of Western Sydney and to facilitate growth. WSBC offers networking opportunities while focusing on the promotion of Western Sydney for investment attraction.
For more information visit, Western Sydney Business Connection.
The CBCC connects local businesses and supports business growth in the Canterbury Bankstown region and beyond. The CBCC provides a broad range of services to local businesses including lobbying, the provision of strategic alliances, networking events, information and newsletters.
For more information visit, Canterbury Bankstown Chamber of Commerce.
The Earlwood Business Chamber is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to supporting local business activities and working with the whole community to develop economic growth. It is a strictly non-political body that is financially independent and provides members with the opportunity to enhance their interests, network for profit and improve the prosperity of the community.
For more information visit, Earlwood Business Chamber.
The Australian Arab Business Council is a dynamic organisation that meets monthly to hear from expert speakers on issues of relevance to business. The Council works closely with governments and businesses, Australia and overseas, to grow trade within Australia and between the Arab world.
For more information visit, Australian Arab Business Council.
The NSW Small Business Commissioner is an independent voice and passionate supporter and advocate of small businesses working to resolve any issues impacting on their day-to-day operation.
For more information visit, Small Business Commissioner.
Advises businesses and traders on fair and ethical practice.
For more information visit, Fair Trading NSW.
The FWO is Australia's workplace regulator. It is responsible for ensuring compliance with workplace laws. It provides complimentary advice and assistance to employees and employers about workplace rights and obligations.
For more information visit, Fair Work Ombudsman.
Visit the Australian Government business website to find out information and possible financial support for Australian businesses struggling within the industry and/or are affected by the Coronavirus.
For more information visit, or
We have collated a variety of free online tools and resources to help you grow your skills, career, or business.
If you are looking for more information about the above programs, please visit Grow with Google.
Learn how to help your business evolve and succeed using digital marketing tools and resources.
- Get new skills for a digital world
- Improve your business and marketing skills with five-minute lessons\
- Get listed on Google and attract new customers
- Get personalised recommendations to make your website faster on mobile devices
- Take your business to new customers around the world
- Learn the digital skills to help you take the next step
Gain a competitive advantage in today’s evolving economy and prepare for the career you want by learning new skills.
- Improve your business and marketing skills with five-minute lessons
- Get new skills for a digital world
- Find your next job at Google
- Enhance your resume with a new certification
- Explore our self-study guide for aspiring machine-learning practitioners
- Learn digital basics through everyday problem-solving
- Learn the digital skills to help you take the next step
Build and scale your breakthrough idea with tips, tools, and community support.
The Business Concierge team at Service NSW provides free, personalised support to small business owners as they start, run and grow their businesses, and as they adapt and recover in times of crisis. If you own a small business in the Canterbury Bankstown area, your local Mobile Business Concierge can help you find the support you need. Look out for a representative from the Service NSW Mobile Business Concierge team, who will hit the road in the coming months, offering a range of support in person on all things small business.
Business Concierge can help you navigate government requirements at local, state and federal levels, including applying for grants, licences and permits, understanding government regulations and more.
If you miss the Business Concierge representation visiting your area, call Service NSW on 13 77 88 or visit the Service NSW website to request a call-back.
Self-Employment Assistance can help you turn your business idea or existing small business into a viable business.
The program allows you to choose the level of support that meets your needs and the needs of your small business.
Self-Employment Assistance can help you with your business idea or existing business through its flexible services which include, Exploring Self-Employment Workshops, Business Plan Development and Business Advice Sessions.
Click here for more information on the program and to find a provider located in your area delivering the services and support you need.
Business Connect is a dedicated and personalised NSW Government program that provides trusted advice to help you start or grow your small business. The program provides one-to-one business advice sessions, business advisory services, and training workshops to small businesses and disrupted industries across NSW state wide. The service provides high quality and culturally relevant business advice and training to individuals, start-ups and small business from multicultural communities in NSW. This service includes in-language business advisory services in Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese.
The Community Migrant Resource Centre (CMRC) is a trusted provider of Business Connect.
For more information and to find an adviser visit, CMRC.
The Australian Government provides financial assistance to entrepreneurs in a form of small business grants. These grants are offered in order to help businesses grow employment opportunities. The grants process is subject to rigor and the ability of the business to fulfil the respective grant terms and conditions.
For more information, vist Grant Connet.
Did you know innovative businesses are 60% more likely to increase their profits? In fact, innovative businesses are also twice as likely to increase their productivity and employment. The National Innovation and Science Agenda is encouraging businesses to embrace risk, entrepreneurship and be innovators in every field.
For more information on how business operators can embrace this new movement to grow their business, visit the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.
Council operates under a detailed Code of Conduct framework which governs its interactions with the community and businesses alike.
It is important that you are aware of the following policies before you seek to do business with Council or submit a proposal to us.