Welcome to the City of Canterbury Bankstown’s social media community
We’re excited to share, learn and engage with residents, visitors and businesses of CBCity, and entice others to join our beautiful City. Our channels include Library and Knowledge Centres, Leisure and Aquatic Centres, Arts Centre, Bryan Brown Theatre and Function Centre, and Active Canterbury-Bankstown, and other channels.
Tips for engaging and enjoying our channels:
- Be kind, engage in open discussion, and be positive in your interactions within the community.
- Share your views and respect the views of others.
- Keep discussions on topic and constructive.
- Spread happiness and joy within our community. We love to read your comments, and we know others do too.
Now for the serious stuff.
These rules exist to keep everyone safe, and we thank you for adhering to them.
By using our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other platforms, you agree to the following:
- Violent, obscene, or hateful language, links or images will not be tolerated. Neither will insults, threats or harassment of other users. We are a safe, and inclusive community.
- We will remove any defamatory, misleading, irrelevant or unlawful material.
- We have set our 'Profanity Blocklist' to strong and therefore posts and comments that involve any level of profanity will be automatically hidden by the filter.
- We will remove spam and unauthorised advertisements.
- You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.
- Do not post personal addresses or phone numbers.
- Do not impersonate City of Canterbury Bankstown’s account or any employee of the organisation.
- We reserve the right to delete posts and will reply to your comments at our discretion.
- The appearance of external links or comments on this page does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of City of Canterbury Bankstown.
- Posts and comments on City of Canterbury Bankstown’s social media channels may be hidden or deleted at our discretion.
City of Canterbury Bankstown cannot check the accuracy of every post and do not take any responsibility for reliance on posts on this page. We do, however, check every post containing cute dogs, cats and bunny rabbits.
Users who do not comply with our Social Media Terms of Use may be blocked from the channel at the absolute discretion of City of Canterbury Bankstown.
Social media posts and comments must also adhere to the platforms' own community guidelines, user agreements and policies.
We are available to chat on our social media between business hours, 9am and 5pm (AEST), Monday to Friday.
Thank you for being a part of the CBCity community!