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Doing business with Council

Council operates under a detailed Code of Conduct framework which governs its interactions with the community and businesses alike

Tendering and Contracts

Council encourages suitably experienced and qualified contractors to make offers through tenders, quotations and expression of interests (EOI) for planned works during each financial year.

To assist contractors, Council has implemented an electronic tendering system in cooperation with the NSW Government in which opportunities are published via a hub on buyNSW.

The buyNSW hub provides a simple, economic and effective method for contractors to identify upcoming tenders, quotations and EOIs. Contractors may register their company, download a copy of the request for tender, quotations and EOI document and lodge submissions online.

Alternatively, advertisements relating to current public tenders, EOIs are published in the local government section of the Sydney Morning Herald on Tuesday and in the other Council notices section of Council’s website.

City of Canterbury Bankstown's expressions of interest and tenders are in accordance with Part 7 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, tenders are to be called where it is anticipated that expenditure will be greater than $250,000 (including GST) over the life of the contract.

Council publishes all expressions of interest (EOI) and open tenders on the NSW eTendering website. Current EOI and open tender documents can be obtained by clicking the button below.

If you have any enquiries about Council's proposed EOI or tender, contact the nominated Council officer on the EOI or tender documentation on

Standard Conditions of Quotation/Tender

These are the rules that apply to suppliers and the City of Canterbury Bankstown in conducting a quotation/tender/EOI.

Suppliers that submit offers through requests for quotation and/or tender, are bound by the relevant Standard Conditions of Quotation/Tender. Suppliers should be aware that by submitting a quotation or tender, a process contract is formed with Council and they agree to comply with the Standard Conditions of Quotation/Tender.

You should read these standard conditions in conjunction with all requests for quotation/tender documents.

Unsolicited Proposals

Council encourages innovative ideas and solutions that create a vibrant and dynamic impact on the City of Canterbury Bankstown.

Proponents seeking to submit an unsolicited proposal to Council should first refer to Council’s Unsolicited Proposals Policy and Guideline for information on the policy principles used to assess whether a proposal qualifies for consideration by Council, as well as information on stages of the review process.

Unsolicited Proposals should be submitted to:

All queries or communications in relation to unsolicited proposals must be directed to the Council’s Public Officer (Manager Governance)

Attempts to influence Council decisions

You must be aware that in dealing with Council that any action or contact that may be considered or perceived to be an attempt to influence a decision of Councillors or staff will constitute a breach of Council’s policies.

Any such attempt during a tender, EOI or direct proposal process will immediately disqualify the relevant tenderer or service provider. Council’s request for tender or quotation documentation will contain statements prohibiting proponents from approaching Councillors and Council officers not nominated as contact people during a tender process.