All the information and forms you need to meet your business responsibilities
The list of licences and fees that can be paid online include:
- Annual Fire Safety Statements
- Shop Inspections
- Regulated systems
- Boarding Houses
- Brothels
- Commercial Use of Footways
Council approval is required for any use of footways, including outdoor dining, street stalls and use of Anzac Mall and other public spaces.
Council approval is required for all advertising sign development unless otherwise stated in our Development Control Plan.
The importance of food safety and how businesses can better ensure that the food which they provide is safe for consumption is of utmost importance.
Council can provide businesses with a convenient, competitively priced waste collection service.
Businesses should be aware that there are many licensed waste collection contractors available and that they can choose any one of them to service their premises, however, it is essential that businesses manage their waste appropriately for the health and amenity of their staff and the community.
Council has design standards and requirements for the use of footways for outdoor dining, merchandise displays, a‐frame advertising signs, street stalls, and use of Anzac Mall.