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Bushcare is a volunteer program that encourages residents to get involved in looking after our natural environment.

Our natural environment is rich, diverse and unique. 

The bush in our natural areas stabilises soil, improves water quality and provides valuable habitats for our native wildlife. In addition, natural areas are also important for their beauty and the educational and recreational opportunities they provide for residents and visitors.

It's important to preserve our bushland and encourage the growth of native plants. 

Our Bushcare volunteer program gives you the opportunity to get involved and hands on with our natural bushland. As a community-based program, it's a great way to meet other residents while doing something worthwhile for the environment. 

As a Bushcare volunteer, you are a critical part of the team, including Council and contracted bush regenerators, that promotes the conservation and management of our valuable bushland.

For more information, or to get involved, contact Council's Bushcare Officer​ Peter Goss on 9707 9233 or by email on

Volunteers are currently needed to help remove weeds, plant native vegetation and maintain Cup & Saucer Creek wetland

Corporate Bushcare

Our Corporate Bushcare program creates partnerships with businesses and community groups to preserve Canterbury-Bankstown’s unique bushlands and support plant and native animal life.

We can tailor a project to suit your team and give your organisation maximum benefits:

  • Enjoy team building and bonding
  • Connect with nature
  • Learn about our native plants and animals
  • Make memories as a team
  • All while having a positive impact on the environment

You could be planting native vegetation, weeding, clearing, watering…or all of the above. Whatever you do, you will be working alongside your colleagues and our experienced Bushcare team and having fun while doing critical work to help the community.

What do Bushcare volunteers do?

Are you passionate about the local environment? Are you ready to roll up your sleeves to make a difference in the community? Then why not join other volunteers lending a hand! 

Volunteers are currently needed to help remove weeds, plant native vegetation and maintain Cup & Saucer Creek wetland. The more people who help, the more work we can get done - and that will ensure our local environment thrives!

Bushcare volunteers are also developing skills that can help with career opportunities, including: 

  • Teamwork
  • Networking
  • On-ground experience
  • Skills in native plant identification, weed control techniques, conservation and bushland management
  • The application of knowledge in the field by being involved in assessing and planning future works


GroupDayTimeMeeting Site
Irene Jones1st Thursday9.30am–12.30pm

Padstow Park

Banks Street, Padstow

Meet in the car park

Roma Reserve1st Saturday9.30am–12.30pm

Roma Reserve

Playford Road, Padstow Heights

Meet at the entrance of the reserve

Morgan’s Creek1st Saturday1–3.30pm

Morgan’s Creek Reserve

Prince Street, Picnic Point

Meet in Prince Street near the corner of River Rd

Cox Reserve1st Sunday8.30–11.30am

Cox Reserve

Sandakan Road, Revesby Heights

Rorie Reserve1st SundayNoon–2.30pm

Rorie Reserve

29 Alma Street, Padstow

Meet at the entrance to the reserve

Lambeth Reserve2nd Tuesday9.30am–12.30pm

Lambeth Reserve

Henry Lawson Drive, Picnic Point

Meet at the end of the car park

Turtle Path    Cooks River2nd Thursday8–10am

Cooks River

Broughton Street, Canterbury

We meet next to Canterbury Racecourse

Wise Reserve2nd Friday9.30–11.30am

Wise Reserve

Bonds Road, Riverwood

Meet at the Bushcare site

Peace Park2nd Sunday9am–noon

Peace Park

Trevenar Street, Ashbury

Meet at the Bushcare site

Cup & Saucer Creek Wetland3rd Tuesday9.30–11.30am

Heynes Reserve

Glenore Road, Canterbury

Meet at the viewing platform

Pat O’Connor3rd Thursday9–11am

Pat O’Connor

Anzac Street, Canterbury

Meet at the Bushcare site adjacent to the footpath

Lansdowne3rd Friday9.30am–12.30pm

Lansdowne Park

Hazel Street, Lansdowne

Meet in Hazel Street near Lucinda Ave

Botanical Drawing Workshop3rd Saturday10am-12.30pm

Helen Westwood Chester Hill Community Centre

25 Chester Hill road, Chester Hill

Monash4th Tuesday9.30am–12.30pm

Monash Reserve

Henry Lawson Drive

Meet in the car park

Norfolk4th Friday9.30am–12.30pm

Norfolk Reserve, Norfolk Road, Greenacre

Meet at the corner of Norfolk Road and Ron Scott Circuit

Curzon4th Saturday9.30am–12.30pm

Little Salt Pan Reserve

Curzon Road, Padstow Heights

Meets at the end of Curzon Road

Lansdowne4th Saturday1–3.30pmTillett Parade, Lansdowne
Carysfield4th Sunday9.30am–12.30pm

Carysfield Park, Johnstone Road Bass Hill

Meet in the park adjacent to the SES building in Johnston Road

Maluga4th Sunday1-3.30pm

Maluga Park

Gascoigne Road, Birrong