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Meals on Wheels

Volunteers deliver thousands of meals every year to people who are unable to prepare food for themselves.

Become a Meals on Wheels Volunteer

More than just a meal

Meals on Wheels has been part of the Bankstown community for over 55 years. We deliver around 36,000 meals a year to residents who are unable to cook for themselves.
The service is about more than food. It’s also about the daily contact that we bring to people who might otherwise be isolated, including the frail aged and people with disabilities.

More than just a volunteer

Our volunteers are at the heart of this critical service.
When you volunteer with Meals on Wheels, you are helping someone remain in their home. You bring practical and personal support in even the briefest of visits.
The nutrition from our balanced (and delicious) meals helps the vulnerable in our community with the physical strength they need to remain in their own homes. The care and friendship that you bring helps with mental health. And your visit also acts as a casual wellness check. Some of our volunteers have been able to save lives with a well-timed call to family or emergency services.
Frequently asked questions

We have volunteers ranging from school age to retirees and from all kinds of backgrounds. Some people volunteer every day, others once a fortnight, or on an ad hoc basis around other commitments like work and family. We are grateful for all help with our deliveries and we can work around your needs.

We serve our customers in in different ways, which means there are lots of ways to volunteer. For example, for some clients, we deliver lunch from Monday to Friday between 11.30am and 1pm. For other clients, we deliver frozen meals once a week. We also offer a fortnightly shopping service for those who are housebound.

Meals on Wheels volunteers enjoy a social role that offers personal satisfaction and a strong connection to the local community. Our volunteers often remain with us for many years thanks to the strong relationships they build with customers and fellow volunteers.

Bankstown Meals on Wheels began in 1966 with 16 clients. Today, the service delivers around 36,000 meals a year.

We have more than 80 dedicated and caring volunteers who give their time to provide, not just a nourishing meal, but also friendly contact and a few laughs each day with clients. Without their support, Meals on Wheels would not be the essential supporting and caring service it is today.

The aim of the service is to provide our residents who are permanently, or in some cases temporarily, unable to cater for themselves and have no other reasonable or acceptable source of assistance.

Our service in no way undermines the independence and self-respect of the client.

The service is designed to assist the frail aged, and people with disability and their carers.

Referral may be made through My Aged Care and/or:

  • Accredited assessing team;
  • A hospital or any health service;
  • Self;
  • A medical practitioner.
  • You can call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422.

Following referral, all clients are assessed by Council's Food Services Team Leader to determine eligibility. Reassessment will take place when required.

Meals on Wheels can provide lunch Monday to Friday. Hot, chilled or frozen meals. We cater for special diets (puree, minced, low fat, vegetarian etc.). Copies of the menu can be provided upon request.

Our meals consist of main course (protein and vegetables), dessert and a fruit juice. Meals are delivered to the home by volunteer helpers Monday to Friday between 11.30am and 1pm.

Frozen meal service is delivered on a weekly basis, between 10am and 12pm, to those clients who are able to heat a meal themselves.

Clients pay a fee for meals provided.

Meals on Wheels works closely with other local community service providers in the area.


For more information, or to book, contact Council's Team Leader Food Services on

Community Restaurant

The City of Canterbury Bankstown Food Services invites you to join us for our activities at our Community Restaurant.

Come along and join in the social activities and enjoy a great lunch with friends. Lunch includes a main meal and sweet, as well as tea/coffee. All

Our Community Restaurant is back! Join us for lunch.

Come along and treat yourself to a fun day out with social activities and enjoy a great lunch with friends. Lunch includes a main meal, sweet, as well as tea and coffee.

Bookings are essential. Secure your spot today via email or phone 9707 9646.

Where: Greenacre Citizens Centre, 202 Waterloo Road, Greenacre

When: Tuesdays (see dates below) at 10.30am 
Cost: $13 (*$15)


Bingo Day16 July
Fly to Paris Olympics6 August
Guest Speaker20 August
Fathers' Day3 September
Wattle Day17 September
Oktoberfest1 October
Musical Item15 October
Melbourne Cup5 November
Christmas Craft19 November
Christmas Celebration *3 December

A My Aged Care number is required when booking, to register with My Aged Care please contact 1800 200 422 or

If transport is required please call Bankstown Canterbury Community Transport on 9772 4928.


For more information contact Food Services Team leader via email or phone 9707 9646.