Ordinary Council
See below for full agenda
- 1 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING......................................... 5
- 1.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council of 30 April 2019 - 7
- 2 LEAVE OF ABSENCE............................................................................................ 29
- 4 MAYORAL MINUTES ......................................................................................... 33
- 4.1 Emergency Services Levy Increase - 35
- 4.2 Proposed Relocation of SBS to Canterbury-Bankstown - 37
- 4.3 Local Community Based Donations - 39
- 5 PLANNING MATTERS ......................................................................................... 41
- 5.1 Deed of Variation to the Voluntary Planning Agreement for the Former Riverlands Golf Course Site in Milperra - 43
- 5.2 Exhibition of Planning Proposal to Prohibit Multi Dwelling Housing from Zone R2 in the former Bankstown LGA - 49
- 5.3 Exhibition of Draft Housekeeping Amendments to Bankstown DCP 2015 and Canterbury DCP 2012 - 59
- 6 POLICY MATTERS............................................................................................... 67
- 6.1 Waste In Public Places - Local Approvals Policy and Guidelines - 69
- 6.2 Commercial Use of Council Footways Guidelines and Policy Review - 73
- 6.3 Code of Meeting Practice - 79
- 7 GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION MATTERS ............................................... 83
- 7.1 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal - Determination of Mayor and Councillor Fees 2019/2020 - 85
- 7.2 Road Re-naming - Section of Warren Avenue, Bankstown - 89
- 7.3 Feedback on the Public Exhibition Process for the Proposed Licence Agreement for the Bankstown City Football Club - 95
- 7.4 Disclosure of Interest Returns - 99
- 7.5 Cash and Investment Report as at 30 April 2019 - 101
- 8 SERVICE AND OPERATIONAL MATTERS ............................................................ 105
- 9 COMMITTEE REPORTS ..................................................................................... 107
- 9.1 Minutes of the Traffic Committee Meeting held on 14 May 2019 - 109
- 10 NOTICE OF MOTIONS & QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE .......................................... 111
- 10.1 Notice of Motions and Questions With Notice - 113
- 10.2 Preventing End of Lease Dumping - 115
- 10.3 Illegal Parking of Heavy Vehicles - 117
- 10.4 Verge Gardens - 119
- 10.5 Encouraging Backyard Vegetable Gardens - 121
- 11 QUESTIONS FOR NEXT MEETING...................................................................... 123
- 12 CONFIDENTIAL SESSION................................................................................... 125
- 12.1 Waste Collection Service - Review of Operational Model
- 12.2 Smith Park Basketball and Netball Court Upgrade