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In an emergency, always dial 000 for the ambulance, fire brigade and the police

​​​Emergency Contacts

If you need emergency assistance, you can reach the SES on 132 500. 

For life threatening emergencies, call 000 immediately.

Emergency contacts

Use the list on this page to help you find links to all types of crisis and emergency services, including police, domestic violence, electrical safety, child safety, animal safety and much more.


Ashfield Police Station14 Victoria St, Ashfield NSW 213102 9797 4099
Burwood PAC Facebo ok page
Bankstown Police Station2 Meredith St, Bankstown NSW 220002 9783 2199
Bankstown PAC Facebook page
Campsie Police Station58 Campsie St, Campsie NSW 219402 9784 9399
Campsi e PAC Facebook page
Riverwood Police StationCnr Belmore Rd & Shenstone Rd, Riverwood NSW 221002 9584 1899
St George PAC Facebook page
Police Assistance Line 131 444
Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000


Canterbury HospitalCanterbury Rd, Campsie NSW 219402 9787 0000
Bankstown-Lidcombe HospitalEldridge Rd, Bankstown NSW 22009722 8000


NSW Poisons Information CentreHawkesbury Rd & Hainsworth St, Westmead NSW 214513 11 26


 132 500
NSW State Emergency Service
Canterbury Unit
1 Coolabah St, Beverly Hills NSW 2209NSW State Emergency Service Canterbury Unit Facebook page
NSW State Emergency Service
Ashfield/Leichhardt Unit
Rear 2045, 78 Dalhousie St, Haberfield NSW 2045NSW State Emergency Service
Ashfield/Leichhardt Unit Facebook page
NSW State Emergency Service
Bankstown Unit
2 Johnston Road, Bass Hill NSW 2197NSW State Emergency Service
Bankstown Unit Facebook page

Other Services


Gas, Water, Electricity

AGL Gas Company Ltd 131 245
Ausgrid (loss of supply/fallen wires) 13 13 88
Energy Australia 133 466
Sydney Water 13 20 90

Helplines and Information

Family and Community Services

Ground Floor, 171 Belmore Road North, Riverwood

Level 2, 402-410 Chapel Road, Bankstown NSW 2200

02 9584 4800

02 8713 4600

Child Protection Helpline 132 111
Lifeline 131 114
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
1800 RESPECT (Domestic Violence Line) 1800 737 732
NSW Rape Crisis Centre 1800 424 017
After Hours GP Helpline 1800 022 222
Seniors Rights Services 1800 424 079
NSW Elder Abuse Helpline and Resource Unit 1800 628 221
My Aged Care 1800 200 422


Canterbury Late Night PharmacyShop 3, 571-573 Canterbury Road, Campsie NSW 2194 (opposite Canterbury Hospital)02 8068 7131
After hours chemist Bankstown359 Chapel Road, Bankstown NSW 220002 9709 3444

Language Aids

City of Canterbury Bankstown Language Aides137 Beamish Street, Campsie NSW 219402 9707 9000 
TTY/voice calls 133 677
Speak & Listen 1300 555 727


Campsie Customer Service Centre137 Beamish Street, Campsie NSW 219402 9707 9000
Bankstown Customer Service CentreUpper Ground Floor, Bankstown Civic Tower 66-72 Rickard Road, Bankstown NSW 200002 9707 9000

Evacuation centres during disasters
Canterbury-Bankstown Council Local Emergency Management Plan

Council works in collaboration with emergency services and other g​overnment organisations to ensure the safety of the community. The Council and agencies refer to the Local Emergency Management Plan  which describes the arrangements to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

AED register

The NSW government has launched a community automatic external defibrillator (AED) register.

AEDs are used to revive someone from sudden cardiac arrest and can help save lives.

The register will show the locations of AEDs across NSW and in our community. If you manage or have access to an AED, please register it on the map and help save lives.