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Pest and weed control

Have you seen these plants?

If you see these weeds, report them to Council's biosecurity officer on 9707 9000.



What are water weeds?

Water weeds are aquatic plants that are not native to the area. They have the ability to rapidly multiply and smother an entire waterbody in a short amount of time. They can be found in ponds, dams, lakes, rivers, aquariums and creeks.
You may see them for sale in Aquariums, at market stalls or online. Please be aware that it is illegal to buy, sell or trade these plants.

Why are they bad?

Water weeds harm our agriculture, environment and economy because they:
  • Clog waterways, making it difficult to access for fishing, swimming, boating;
  • Block sunlight, cool the water and reduce water quality;
  • Alter the ecosystem by smothering native plants and reducing habitat for fish, birds and animals; and
  • Block irrigation channels and equipment.


Limnobium laevigatum
What does it look like?
Frogbit has smooth, round leaves about four centimetres across. The top sides of the leaves are glossy and the underside of each leaf looks and feels like a sponge.

Water Hyacinth 
Eichhornia crassipes
What does it look like?
Water Hyacinth leaves are glossy green arising from vase-shaped floating leaf stalks. Flowers can be pale blue to dark bluish purple with a yellow mark on the top petal.
Salvinia molesta
What does it look like?
Salvinia is an aquatic fern with pairs of hairy floating leaves and a submerged root-like structure, individual plants float together forming dense mats. 
Water Lettuce
Pistia stratiotes
What does it look like?
Water lettuce looks like an open head of lettuce, growing up to 30 centimetres wide.
The ribbed leaves are spongy to touch and are covered with small hairs. A mass of feathery roots up to 80 centimetres long are submersed in the water.

What should I do if I see these plants?

Further spread of floating water weeds can be prevented by notifying Council's Biosecurity Weed Officer to assist with their identification and removal.

If you have seen any of these plants, please contact Council's Biosecurity Weed Officer on 9707 9000.

Have you seen these plants?

Report them to Council's biosecurity officer on 9707 9000.