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Floodplain and stormwater management

If you live in an area near a river, creek or stormwater channel, you may be susceptible to flooding.

Increased water runoff from surfaces such as driveways, roofs and paving also contribute to flooding in major storm events. Climate change is another factor that has increased the intensity and frequency of storms, rainfall and tidal events.

The area's at most risk of flooding in our Local Government Area are the floodplains of the Cooks and Georges Rivers.

We actively work to reduce the impact of flooding and undertake a number of flood studies.

We are members of Floodplain Management Australia, an organisation committed to promoting appropriate development within the floodplain, and reducing the risks of flooding to life and property.

On 14 July 2021 the State Government made changes to flood prone land across NSW in response to serious flooding that has occurred in recent times. These changes require all Councils to alter what properties we identify as flood affected and to require councils to carefully consider impacts of development in low flood risk areas by stipulating new planning requirements.

Please read Council’s Frequently Asked Questions if you would like more information regarding the changes.

Floodplain Management Plans

Council has a chapter in the Development Control Plan (DCP) - Part B12 - which deals specifically with Flood Risk Management in the Local Government Area. Part B12 of the DCP supports the Local Environmental Plan for Bankstown by providing additional objectives and development standards to control the development of flood prone land in the City.

  • Bankstown Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015
  • Part B12 - Flood Risk Management
    • Schedule 1 - Flood Compatible Materials
    • Schedule 2 - Land Use Categories
    • Schedule 3 - Georges River Floodplain
    • Schedule 4A - Carinya Road, Picnic Point Floodplain
    • Schedule 5 - Catchments affected by Stormwater Flooding
    • Schedule 7 - Explanatory Notes on Lodging Applications

Stormwater Catchment Flood Studies

Council is preparing flood studies for catchments affected by stormwater flooding (flash flooding). Stormwater flooding is different to riverine flooding, which is defined as rising water from a river or creek such as flooding on the Georges or Cooks Rivers. However, it is important to note that stormwater flooding can still result in major damage. 

Completed studies
The table below provides a list of completed stormwater catchment flood studies. Most studies are available in eBook format.

Council can provide  extracts of the Flood Study Data,  information on Flood Affectation at specific locations in Canterbury-Bankstown and Modelling Data, following the submission of the Stormwater In​formation Application form​ to our Customer Service centre.

If you have any questions about data availability and requirements, you are encouraged to call Council's Infrastructure Planning Team on  9707 9000, prior to submitting the form.

Stormwater Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Plans have been commissioned for three major catchments in the LGA (if information is available on this plan, the hyperlinks will be active):

  • Mid Georges River - comprising the stormwater catchments of Milperra, Kelso Creek, East Hills, Lucas Road, Picnic Point, Morris Gully and Little Salt Pan Creek.
  • Duck River - comprising of the stormwater catchments of Duck River and Wolumba.
    The Floodplain Risk Management Study (11MB) outlines potential floodplain management options for the catchment and the Floodplain Risk Management Plan (1MB) recommends management actions each Council can undertake to reduce risks in the floodplain.
  • Salt Pan Creek (former Bankstown LGA) - comprising of the stormwater catchments of Salt Pan Creek, Fairford Road, Padstow and Davies Road.
  • Salt Pan Creek (former Canterbury LGA) - comprising stormwater catchments of Salt Pan Creek belongs to the former Canterbury LGA

Other Stormwater Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Plans will be commissioned progressively in the future. 

The consequences of flooding in the Georges River are significant in Canterbury-Bankstown. This was evidenced by the floods that occurred in 1978, 1986 and 1988. The largest of these floods occurred in 1986 and was equivalent to a 1 in 20 year event.

As an important strategic initiative in managing the flood prone land along the Georges River, Council commissioned consultants to prepare the Georges River Floodplain Management Study and Plan. This study was prepared jointly for Fairfield, Liverpool and Sutherland Councils to ensure compliance with the NSW Governments Flood Prone Land Policy. Council adopted this study in late 2004.

The study mapped all areas that are at risk of flooding, including areas that are at risk in a greater than 100 year flood event. The study found that in 100 year flood around 261 residential properties containing a house and around 65 commercial and industrial properties containing a building would be inundated by flood water. Based on this mapping, the floodplain has been divided into three flood risk precincts: high, medium and low. This allows a risk-based approach for floodplain management that provides a graded approach for land use and development.

The study has also reviewed Council's existing flood mitigation infrastructure and has made recommendations for improving emergency management issues and enhancing flood awareness in the community by linking Bureau of Meteorology flood gauge heights to flood levels for specific properties.

The study can be accessed using the links below:

Stormwater management

Stormwater is rainwater that flows across roads, roofs, footpaths, car parks and other hard surfaces, into stormwater drains and waterways. As it runs over these surfaces it often picks up pollutants like rubbish, sediment, detergents, leaf litter and car oils.

When these pollutants enter our waterways they can have a devastating impact on the natural environment. To minimise the environmental impact, stormwater is carefully managed in number of ways.

You can also read our pages about Pollution Control Devices and Water Sensitive Urban Design, as well as The Crest Sustainable Stormwater Management. There's also a page on Roads and Stormwater.

Our Infrastructure Planning Team caters for the strategic monitoring of the condition, functionality and renewal of our City's stormwater drainage network and flood mitigation structures.

The team can provide catchment-wide and localised information on flooding and the drainage network, as well as various flood modelling

You will need to fill out the Stormwater Information Application Form to access this information however, it is recommended you call the Team prior to submitting the form.

Stormwater Levy

There is a stormwater levy in place for the Planning, construction and maintenance of drainage systems, stormwater treatment measures and stormwater harvesting and use projects. It also helps with education programs, inspections, clean-ups and monitoring efforts. Of course, it also pays for staff to administer the stormwater management service charge as well.

Stormwater Levy Factsheets
Amberdale Reserve stormwater swale - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Band Hall Reserve Creek Restoration - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Bankstown CBD Underpass Renewal - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Bankstown SES water sensitive urban design - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Beaconsfield Street Drainage Upgrade - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Carysfield Park and Louisa Reserve bank stabilisation and creek restoration – Stage 3 Carysfield Park and Louisa Reserve bank stabilisation and creek restoration – Stage 2 Cooks River subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Cooper Road Easement Drainage Upgrade - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Dorothy Park drainage upgrade - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Drainage upgrades in 2010-11 - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Drainage Restorations 2012-13 - Drainage upgrades in 2010-11 - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets East Hills subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Fairford Road subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Georges Hall subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Greenacre Park subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Harley Crescent Drainage Upgrade - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Henry Lawson Drive near Atami Place - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Jensen Park creek restoration & revegetation project - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Jensen Park gross pollutant trap - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Kelso Swamp subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Lake Gillawarna Water Quality and Natural Area Improvement Project - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Lansdowne subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Little Salt Pan Creek Upgrade - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Lucas Road subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Maluga Passive Park headwall and bank stabilisation works - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Miller Road subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Montgomery Reserve creek and natural area improvement project - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Newland Reserve stormwater wetland - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Padstow town centre water sensitive urban design - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Panania Town Centre water sensitive urban design - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Picnic Point, Morris Gully & Wolumba subcatchment flood studies - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Prairie Vale Reserve creek and open space restoration - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Punchbowl subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Raindrops to OurRiver: Graf Park Raingarden - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Rookwood Road subcatchment flood study - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Rose Park creek restoration - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Salt Pan Creek Flood Risk Management Study and Plan - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Sefton Golf Course Stormwater Harvesting - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Audit Program 2008-09 - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Audit Program 2009-10 - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Audit Program 2010-2011 - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Audit Program 2011-12 - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Audit Program 2012-13 - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater harvesting, treatment and use at The Crest - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Levy funded maintenance program - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Levy funded project maintenance program - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stormwater Levy funded project maintenance program - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets Stuart Street Reserve Drainage Upgrade - Stormwater Levy projects fact sheets

For more information, contact our Customer Service Centre on