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The Canterbury Bankstown Local Planning Panel is a state mandated Panel which replaces the former Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (IHAP).

The Local Planning Panel is an independent body that will determine certain development applications and provide advice to Council on planning proposals. The Panel will meet once a month, or more often if required.

The Local Planning Panel comprises the following:

  • a chair appointed by the Minister for Planning,
  • two members selected by Council from a pool of experts established by the Department of Planning and Environment,
  • community representatives for each ward selected by Council.

Panel members include:


  • Mr Anthony Hudson

Alternate Chair

  • Mr Grant Christmas
  • Ms Linda Pearson

Specialist Panel Members

  • Mr Luke Foley
  • Mr David Epstein
  • Mr Stephen Kerr
  • Ms Barbara Perry
  • Mr Richard Thorp

Community Panel Members

  • Mr Peter Menton - Bankstown / Darani Ward
  • Mr Steven Tuntevski - Bass Hill / Bura Ward
  • Ms Linda Eisler - Canterbury / Budjar Ward
  • Mr Ian Stromborg - Revesby / Bunya Ward
  • Ms Inaam Tabbaa - Roselands / Bunmarra Ward


What involvement do Councillors have?

The introduction of the Local Planning Panel means that all decisions made in relation to development in Canterbury Bankstown will be by delegation by Council Staff, the Sydney South Planning Panel or by the Local Planning Panel. Decisions on development applications are no longer referred to Council for determination.

Matters to be heard by the Panel

The referral criteria for both development applications and planning proposals has been set by the Minister for Planning and can be viewed on the Department of Planning and Environment's website.

How will I know if the matter I'm interested in is going to be directed to the Panel?

Any person who has an interest in a particular development application (whether as an applicant or someone who has made a submission) will be notified of its referral to the Panel and advised that they may make an application to address the Panel or make a written submission to the Panel.

The business paper for each month's Local Planning Panel meeting will be published on our website by 5.00pm on the Monday before the meeting.

Details of items to be considered by the Panel are also available by calling us on 9707 9000.

What do I need to do to apply to address the Local Planning Panel?

First you should read the report going to the Panel about the matter. If there are particular issues in the report that are important to you, you can apply to address the Panel.

Any person who wishes to address the Panel is requested to forward a written request which must be received by Council no later than 12 noon on the day of the meeting. Requests can be sent to PO Box 8, Bankstown 1885, or emails can be sent to Requests should be marked "Request to Address the Local Planning Panel" and include your name, address, contact telephone number/s, and the item on which you wish you to speak.

You will be advised of any conditions which may apply to your address to the Panel. If a number of people have similar views about the same item before the Panel, they may be required to appoint a spokesperson.

To make the most effective use of your allotted time, plan the points you wish to make beforehand and be guided by the Chairperson during the course of the hearing.

If I make a written submission do I have to attend the Local Planning Panel meeting?

No. If you wish to make a written submission only, this will be considered by the Panel. Written submissions to the Panel must be received by Council no later than 12 noon on the day of the meeting. If you do wish to speak about your submission, you should contact our Local Planning Panel Administration Officer on

Local Planning Panel Agenda and Minutes

The Agenda and Minutes for Panel meetings can be found via the link below, audio recordings of Panel meetings are available by contacting:

Agenda and Minutes


For more information, or to ask a question, contact Council's Local Planning Panel Administration Officer on, or write to Council at PO Box 8, Bankstown 1885.