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Get Ready for Big School Earlwood

Give your child a head start once they get to kindergarten with our new library program for 2024! 

Thursdays, 10-11am

Our exciting new sessions will bring children and parents together to develop the required language, number and motor skills to enable them to confidently adapt to the classroom environment.

'Get Ready for Big School' works in alignment with NSW Department of Education's transition to school guidelines. Grown-ups work with their child to learn and practice the skills needed to begin kindergarten and prepare them for classroom expectations.

Suitable for children aged 4-5 and their parent/carer.

Bookings are required and must be made on the day of the program by calling the participating libraries from 9.30am onward.

Get Ready for Big School runs during school term only.


Thursdays, 10-11am


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Earlwood Library and Knowledge Centre
Corner William Street and Homer Street
Earlwood NSW 2206

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